Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tips for learning English: 1. Study more often

Dicas para aprender Inglês:
1. Estude com maior frequência.

Ao invés de fazer seu homework de uma vez só, estude um pouco todo dia. É melhor para lembrar das novas palavras aprendidas!

Scientific research published by Herman Ebbinghaus has revealed that we forget more than half of what we learn within 20 minutes. The same research reveals that information reviewed on a frequent basis is retained for much longer time. Since most English students only study the language once a week twice a week...they have more time to 'forget' things. So, instead of studying once a week for a couple of everyday even if it's only for 15 minutes. This will allow you to recall your words more easily, develop positive habits, and recall words when you need them.

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